PaperScorer for Canvas LTI Application (Legacy)

Installing the Canvas Add-on

You must be an administrator of your Canvas account in order to enable Paperscorer.  If you are an administrator:

  1. Click Admin.
  2. Click Developer Keys.
  3. Click Add Developer Key.
  4. Under Key Name, enter 'Paperscorer'.
  5. Under Owner Email, enter your administrator's email address.
  6. Under Redirect URI, enter the following:
  7. Under icon URL, enter the following:

  8. Click Save Key.  Canvas will generate an ID and Key. These will be displayed when you mouse over the Developer Key.

The next step will be to register your client key with Paperscorer.  To do this:

  1. Visit
  2. Enter the following info:
    1. Your School's Canvas URL.  For instance,
    2. Your Administrator email.  This should be the same as you entered in step (4) above.
    3. The Client ID that was generated in your Canvas account for the Paperscorer Developer Key.
    4. The Key that was generated in your Canvas account for the Paperscorer Developer Key.
  3. Click Generate App Credentials.  Paperscorer will generate the following information for you.  Save this for future use.
    1. App URl
    2. Consumer Key
    3. Secret Key

Finally, you add the the Paperscorer App to your account.  To do this:

  1. Click Admin > Settings > Apps.
  2. Click the View App Configuration button.
  3. Click the + App button.
  4. Under Name, enter Paperscorer.
  5. Under Configuration Type, select By URL. 
  6. Under Consumer Key, enter the Consumer Key derived from Step (3) above.
  7. Under Shared Secret, enter the Secret Key derived from step (3) above.
  8. Under Launch URL, enter the App URI derived from step (3) above.
  9. Click Submit

At this point, you should be ready to use the Paperscorer app in your Canvas account.

Generating Answer Sheets from Canvas Quizzes

To generate answer sheets for a quiz in your Canvas account:

  1. Click Courses on the left.
  2. Select the Course for which you want to generate answer sheets.
  3. In the lower left, click Paperscorer.  A list of all available quizzes will appear.  Beneath each quiz, you will see a series of links.
  4. Click Create Answer Sheets.   A list of students will appear as well as a preview of the assessment.
  5. Select the students for which you wish to generate answer sheets.
  6. Click Continue.  You should be presented with two links: Print Answer Sheet(s) and Print Quiz Questions.
    1. Note that Print Quiz Questions provides a printer-friendly version of your quiz which you can provide to students along with the answer sheets.
  7. Print the answer sheets and distribute to students along with the quiz.

Generating Answer Sheets in Canvas without a Quiz

If you have an offline assessment and want to use Paperscorer to auto-grade the results without creating a Canvas Quiz:

  1. Click Courses on the left.
  2. Select the Course for which you want to generate answer sheets.
  3. In the lower left, click Paperscorer.  
  4. Click Create Answer Sheets without a Quiz.
  5. Give your Quiz a title and indicate the number of questions.
  6. Indicate the number of answers per question (you will have an opportunity to change this per question later).
  7. Choose whether you would like your answer sheets to be generated for each student or if you want to generate a generic answer sheet with an area for students to enter their student ID.
  8. Click Next.  You will be presented with an answer key for the number of questions you indicated.
  9. Select the correct answer for each of the questions.
  10. Click Next.  You will be presented with a list of students enrolled in the course.
  11. Select the students for whom you want to create answer sheets and click Create Answer Sheets.
  12. You will be presented with two links: Print Answer Sheet(s) and Print Quiz Questions.
    1. Note that Print Quiz Questions will create a printer-friendly version of the quiz to distribute to students.
  13. Click Print Answer Sheet(s).  Print and distribute the answer sheets to your students.  
    1. In Canvas, Paperscorer will automatically create a Quiz to which your students scores can be associated.

Filling Out Answer Sheets to Insure Quality Grading

 To insure the highest quality scoring with the Paperscorer app:

  1. Avoid taking pictures where there is a high amount of glare on the answer sheets caused by light.  This is usually caused by incandescent light directly above a answer sheet.  
  2. Avoid heavy erasing or the use of "white-out" type products on bubbles that may obscure the bubble borders.
  3. Insure that bubbles are fully filled in.
  4. Insure that markings do not cover more than one bubble if this is not the intent.

Using the Paperscorer App to Auto-Grade Bubble Sheets

Once you've downloaded bubble sheets, you're ready to automatically grade using the Paperscorer app.

  1. Download and Install the Paperscorer app at the App Store or Google Play.
  2. Open the app on your mobile device.  
  3. Click the camera icon.  You will be prompted to grant the app permission to use your camera.  Grant permission.
  4. Position your device so that the entire answer sheet (including border) is within the frame of the picture.  Hold your device steady.  Paperscorer will automatically capture and display the picture to you.
  5. If the picture is clear, click Next.  Paperscorer will automatically score the answer sheet.  
    1. If there are additional answer sheets, continue this process until all answer sheets are captured.​

Bulk Uploading Answer Sheets for Grading in Canvas

Using a standard scanner or document camera, you can choose to scan images of multiple answer sheets and then upload them to Paperscorer in bulk for grading.  To do this in Canvas:

  1. After scanning your answer sheets, save all sheets to the same folder.
  2. Select the course for which you want to upload answer sheets.
  3. Click the Paperscorer link within the course navigation.  Paperscorer options will appear.
  4. Click the Upload Answer Sheets button.  A page will appear with instructions for uploading your sheets.
  5. Click the +Add Sheets button.
  6. Navigate to the folder on the drive in which you saved your scanned sheets.
  7. Select the answer sheet files that you want to upload.  Paperscorer will indicate the number of sheets selected.
  8. Click Upload.  Paperscorer will begin the process of uploading and automatically grading the answer sheets.  If there are errors found in any of the sheets, you will be presented with a link to view the sheet along with an error message.

Importing Grades Captured with the Paperscorer app to your Canvas Gradebook 

  1. Click Courses on the left.
  2. Select the Course for which you want to import scores.
  3. In the lower left, click Paperscorer.  A list of all available quizzes will appear.  Beneath each quiz, you will see a series of links.
  4. If grades have been captured using the Paperscorer app, the link titled Import Student Scores will be enabled.
  5. Click the Import Student Scores link.  Scores will be automatically synchronized and you should be able to view them in the Grades section of your account.
  6. Beneath each quiz in Paperscorer, you will also see a View Scores link.  Clicking this link will display the scores for each of the answer sheets that have been scanned and allow you to view the image of the answer sheet that was captured.

Correcting Errors Found in Answer Sheets

Sometimes, Paperscorer will identify errors or ambiguous markings in an answer sheet.  This can occur if:

  • A bubble is marked, but only slightly

When this happens, Paperscorer will present an appropriate message to you and give you the option to review the answer sheet online and manually mark the area(s) that you believe the student intended.  To do this:

  1. After uploading answer sheets, if there are errors, click the Correct Errors button.  A page will load in which an image of the captured answer sheet will display on the left and a web form will appear on the right.  The questions with errors will be highlighted on this web form.
  2. Fill in the appropriate areas in the form on the right.  
    1. If you do not know what the student intended, you can choose to Skip the answer sheet.  In this case, you can have the student fill out a new answer sheet and upload it again.
  3. Continue this process until all error sheets are corrected.
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