Printing an Assessment for a Class

This article will walk you through the process of printing an assessment for a class.

When printing an assessment for a class, the student information will be prefilled on the testing scan sheets. This will prevent students from having to fill in their own identifier on the testing sheet. Since student data is already pre-filled on the testing scan sheet, make sure to give the correct pre-filled testing sheet to the appropriate student.

From the dashboard, click on the Classes main navigation option.

Once you are on the class list page, identify the class you want to print an assessment for. Click on the action button for that class and select Print Scan Sheets. (NOTE: The print option will only work with classes that have students.)

Once you click on the Print Scan Sheets menu options, a modal will popup with additional printing options for that class:

  1. Assessment (required): Select an assessment to print for the class. To select an assessment, click on the Change button. Once you click on the change button, another modal will popup allowing you to select an assessment to print.
  2. Print Type (required): This will determine how many students are going to be printed for the selected assessment:
    1. All Students: This will print a testing sheet for each student in the class. You will see the total number of copies that will be printed in the description of this option.
    2. Specific Students: This will allow to you to select one or more students in the class to print a testing sheet.

Once you click on the Generate Scan Sheets button, the system will begin to process the request and generate the request testing scan sheets. Once the scan sheets are done processing, you will see another button. Click on the Print Scan Sheets button to view and print the generated testing scan sheets.

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