Student Review Links

This article will review the steps for creating and managing student review links.

Student review links will allow a student to review the results of a PaperScorer scanned sheet without the need of a student creating an account at PaperScorer. Each student link is unique to each specific student.

From the dashboard, click on the Assessments main navigation option.

Once, you click on the assessment main navigation option, you will be directed to the available assessments that you have created. If you have created an assessment yet, visit our help documentation on creating a new assessment. From the assessment list, identify which assessment you want to manage the student review link. Once you have identified the assessment, click on the menu icon and edit the assessment.

After clicking edit for the select assessment, an edit assessment modal will appear. This edit modal will contain the options to manage the student review links.

  1. Enable student results link: In order for the student review links to be accessible, this option needs to be enabled. This is the base option to turn student reviews link on or off. If this value is not set, a student will receive an "unavailable" message when using the student review link.
  2. Enable scanned sheet: If you want students to see the scanned sheet image(s), enable this option. If disabled, the students scanned sheet image(s) will not be visible within the report.
  3. Enable student answer: If you want students to see the answers they submitted, enable this option. If disabled, the students own answers will not be visible within the report.
  4. Enable answer key: If you want students to see the correct answers to questions they missed, enable this option. If disabled, correct answers will not be visible within the report.

Accessing Student Review Links

Once the student review links are enabled, there are a couple of ways to get links to students. The first way is through the assessment student list. This is the list of students who have taken a particular assessment. From the list of students, click on the student menu and the select Copy results link.

If you do not see the Copy results link option, this means the assessment does not have the student review link feature enabled for this assessment. Please edit the assessment and enable this option.

The other way to give students access to the student review link is through data syncing. For example, if users are syncing data with a Canvas assignment, there is an option to include the student review link as part of the student submission. Students will be able to review the submission and use the review link to see detailed results of the scanned assessment.

For detailed information about syncing data with external applications, please review the following documents:

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