Testing Guidelines

This article will cover tips on how to ensure scans are successful within the PaperScorer ecosystem.

  • Fill the entire bubble: Students need to make sure they are filling in the entire bubble when taking a test. Failure to fill in the entire bubble could result in a missed response from the engine.
  • Dark bubble marks: Students need to make sure they press firmly when filling in a bubble. Light bubble fills could result in a missed response from the engine.
  • Written responses: Students should not write outside the allotted space for written responses. Writing outside the boxed area could disrupt the accuracy of the scanning engine.
  • No random drawing: Students should not be drawing random images or marks on the testing sheet. Random marks could disrupt the accuracy of the scanning engine.
  • Use pencil: While it is not a requirement to use pencil, it is always helpful when students fill in an incorrect bubble. Crossing out answers is not something the engine will detect.
  • Multiple sheet student IDs: If the testing sheets are not prefilled with student data, students are required to fill out their student IDs on each page of the assessment. If a student has a two sheet test, they will need to fill in their student ID twice, once on each sheet.

We will continue to improve our list of testing tips as we see additional issues popup. However, if you follow the current list of tips, you will have a very successful time when it comes to scanning tests.

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