Administration Setup Guide

This article will review the steps for connecting your Canvas instance to PaperScorer.

Setup within your Canvas Instance

From the main Canvas dashboard page, click on the Admin main navigation options. This will pop open a sub-menu. On the sub-menu select the instance you want to connect to PaperScorer.

Once you click on the instance you want to connect to PaperScorer, you will be directing to the admin settings page for that instance. From there, click on the menu option Developer Keys.

After clicking on the Developer Keys navigation option, you will see a list of your current developer keys. This list may be empty if you haven't created a developer key before. Click on the + Developer Key button. This will bring up a sub-menu. On the sub-menu, select the + API Key option.

After clicking on the + API Key sub-menu option, you will be redirected to a form to add details about the new API key.

  1. Key Name (required): a descriptive name so you and anyone else viewing the key list will know what the key is for. We recommend something along the lines of: PaperScorer Access Key.
  2. Owner Email (required): a email address of the person who will own this new key and who will help troubleshoot problems for the key. This is usually the email address of the person creating the key.
  3. Redirect URIs (required): this is a list of URLs that are allowed for authorization redirect once a user is done logging in. The value for this field will be:
  4. Icon URL (optional): this will help add a descriptive icon the newly created key. If you wish to display our icon, use the following value:
  5. Scopes (optional): while this is an optional setting, we highly recommend you only give PaperScorer the scope values it needs to function properly. Here are the list of scopes required by PaperScorer:
    • Assignments:url:GET
      • /api/v1/courses/:course_id/assignments
    • Assignments:url:GET
      • /api/v1/courses/:course_id/assignments/:id
    • Assignments:url:POST
      • /api/v1/courses/:course_id/assignments
    • Courses:url:GET
      • /api/v1/courses
    • Courses:url:GET
      • /api/v1/courses/:id
    • Courses:url:GET
      • /api/v1/courses/:course_id/users
    • Submissions:url:GET
      • /api/v1/courses/:course_id/assignments/:assignment_id/submissions
    • Submissions:url:POST
      • /api/v1/courses/:course_id/assignments/:assignment_id/submissions
    • Submissions:url:PUT
      • /api/v1/courses/:course_id/assignments/:assignment_id/submissions/:user_id
    • Users:url:GET
      • /api/v1/users/:user_id/profile

Once you are finished filling in all the required information, you can go ahead and click on the Save button. This will save. your new API key and redirect you back to the Developer Keys list page.

Once you are on back on the Developer Keys page, you will have two more steps you need to perform:

  1. Switch the state of the API key to active. Clicking on the toggle will shift it to the right and highlight the toggle in green.
  2. Click on the Show Key button to see the actual API key. You will ned the Developer Key ID and the Developer Key itself to complete the next steps of the connection process.

Back to the PaperScorer app...

When our team has your API key, you will need to go back to the PaperScorer app to complete the connection. The PaperScorer app is located at You will need to have an account in order to complete the next steps.

NOTE: You will not need a pro account to create/manage connections.

From any page within the PaperScorer app, click on the Connections main navigation option.

Once on the connections page, click on the Add connection button.

After clicking on the add connection button, you will be presented with a add connection modal.

  1. Type (required): Make sure this is set to Canvas for the connection type.
  2. Client domain (required): This value will be set to the instance from the previous steps where you created the API key. You will not include 'http://' or 'https://'. However, you will include the sub-domain and the domain when filling this field out. (example:
  3. Client ID (required): This is the ID that is just above the Show Key button within your Developers Keys page. Copy the number that is just above the Show Key button and paste that value here.
  4. Client Secret (required): This is the value hidden behind the Show Key button. When you press the Show Key button, copy and paste the displayed value here.

Once the connection is added, you will need to complete two more steps to finalize the connection.

  1. Activate the connection: The connection will need to be toggled to the active state. At any point in the future, you can toggle this to off to disconnect all your Canvas users.
  2. Verify the connection: This will verify that you have the correct access to add and claim this connection. It will send you through a simple log in process/auth process through your instance. It is not saving any session information, but simply checking for a valid auth session passed back from your instance.

After you have completed the above two steps, your users will be able to connect their accounts to pass data back and forth between PaperScorer and their Canvas account.

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